Personas are representations of user characteristics, goals, desires, and pains. When we created our personas, we did our best to capture our major research findings, making as few assumptions as possible.
Originally, we intended for the custodial hourly staff to be our user group; however, during our user interviews, we found that custodians and custodial supervisors were closely intertwined and decided to include both in our user group. In drafting our personas, we wrote out key facts and scenarios for one custodian and one supervisor. Then, in refining our personas, we edited and consolidated our provisional personas.
Although only the custodian persona was used to create a user journey map later on, both personas were referred to throughout the quarter to make sure that our team was on the same page about whom we were designing for.
Michael Provisional Persona
Michael Refined Persona
Michael Provisional Persona
Elaine Provisional Persona
Elaine Refined Persona
Elaine Provisional Persona